Top Repairs Business Establishments Must Not Overlook

man in uniform

The front of your establishment is the first impression customers get. If it looks unkempt and dirty, it will be turned off before even coming inside.

Business owners have enough to worry about without having to think of whether or not their equipment is up for the task that lies ahead each day. Unfortunately, they often find out the hard way – when a part breaks down and leaves them with a hefty bill. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your equipment now so you won’t be forced to pay the price later.

Here are the top things that must always be kept clean and in top working order:

The restrooms

No matter what kind of business you have, the restrooms must always be clean and in order. Think about it. If a toilet overflows, if the floors are slippery, if the sink’s overflow reaches your floors, you know you need to keep them all in order. Even with proper care, things will still break down from time to time. That’s why you must have the fixtures often checked by qualified plumbers who know their stuff.

Backed-up toilets and shower stalls that don’t work properly or overflow can cause a massive health issue.

The outside of the building

Is the exterior of your establishment clean and presentable? Is it free from signs of wear and tear? If not, don’t wait for its condition to get worse before you do anything about it. Clean up the building now before weeds take root or shingles start falling off.

The walkways

Customers expect to walk on a flat surface, not a bumpy or gravel-covered one. And if it’s wet and slippery because the ground is too steep or there are no sidewalks – well, you can imagine what happens next. People have been injured – including some who were hit by cars because they were walking on the road instead.

The parking lot

parking lot

Parking spaces must always be free of potholes, big or small. You may have to get extra gravel so it won’t be too bumpy for customers in wheelchairs. Surfacing is also important, especially if you’re located somewhere where there’s a lot of rain or snow that makes the area muddy.

Industrial equipment

Your restaurant and other businesses may be able to get by with older equipment, but your industrial machines like refrigerators, ovens, and mixers should always be in good condition. Just imagine how much food you can lose if one breaks down and leaves you without a way to store it, or how much it will cost you to fix an oven that can’t stay at the right temperature.

The chairs and tables

Customers expect to sit down and relax without putting their lives at risk. Check the chairs and tables regularly for loose screws, signs of wood rot, or damage that can lead to falls.

It’s not good to have rickety tables when you’re serving them food and drink, especially hot ones.

The floors

You don’t want people to slip and fall as soon as they come in. Aluminum deck railing makes for a great addition to outdoor patios, but the railing must be properly installed according to code.

And let’s not forget about those floor mats that help absorb water and resist mildew. They should always be washed down regularly to remove debris that can cause someone to slip.

The bar equipment

When serving drinks, your bartender must have everything they need upfront. That means no broken glassware, no missing mats for the bar sinks, and no bottles of alcohol stored in dirty cabinets. If you want to serve top-notch cocktails, invest in high-quality equipment that won’t let you down.

The exterior walls

You should periodically check your exterior walls for cracks and other problems, especially if you recently had a lot of construction done. Brick-by-brick or block-by-block, the building should be solid.

Before you open for business, always check these areas to ensure everything is in good working order. After all, your investment is only as strong as its weakest part. Keep things running smoothly by scheduling regular maintenance and repairs done right the first time.

Your staff’s uniforms

Do your employees look sharp in their uniforms? If it’s been a while since the last time they were replaced, make an effort to clean them up. The washing machine can’t get out stains that are set in — and there’s nothing worse than sending your wait staff looking like they slept in their clothes. Having your staff look clean and well-groomed at all times also helps make a good impression on customers.

Do you run a business establishment? Then you know how important it is to have effective repairs and maintenance done before the problems become major ones. Before your customers come in, check all of these areas inside and out. If something needs more than just a little TLC, bring in the professionals as soon as possible so that they don’t stay broken down and you don’t lose any business.


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