Planning Your Finances: A Guide for Young Professionals

planning finances

Whether you are starting as a young professional or already established in your career, saving up for the future never goes out of style. But not a lot of young professionals understand this. It is easy for most people who are starting to either spend on gadgets and other luxuries in the early stages of their careers instead of thinking of the future.

Be that as it may, the pandemic has afforded people to rethink their priorities. And with a lot of restrictions in place, this is the perfect opportunity to finally think about the future. But even with people forced to stay indoors and most leisure places are closed, a lot still are struggling to save up.

Spending money is indeed easier than saving it. But it is saving up is something that can be developed into a habit. As you go on with your career, there are necessary questions that you must ask yourself if you wish to have financial stability in the long run.

First, think of paying yourself first every time you receive your salary. This is an effective method that most financial advisers suggest. What does this mean? Set aside a portion of your pay for your future self. Most people split their salary 80/20 or 75/25, it just depends on you. It means either 20% or 25% of your salary will go to your savings while the rest will be paid for bills and other expenses. If this is a little much, you can make adjustments. This rule is not set in stone. At the end of the day, it is up to you to make decisions. What’s important is you set aside a portion for your future self.


Keeping a budget for your expenses is an easy way to track your spending. Having visuals to see where your money goes will allow you to have a better understanding of your monthly expenses. You’ll know how much to set aside and how much you have to spare. With that, you can dedicate a portion to leisure. In that way, you can enjoy little rewards without feeling guilty or without taking away from an expense. You don’t have to be living paycheck-to-paycheck with a practical and realistic budget.

In keeping track of your expenses, there are many useful apps for both android and iOS users. Having a handy app is great especially it eliminated the risk of losing a piece of paper or a notebook. There are also a lot of features depending on the app you choose. Some have stickers, some can link your accounts to the app. This gives you more opportunities to monitor your spending.

Open a savings account

money concept

In this day and age, having a savings bank account is a must. It is even better if it is separate from your payroll account. It is better not to hold everything in cash. Keep your savings separate from your usual budget so you are reminded which funds to touch or not.

Another reason to open a bank account is it allows your money to work for you. Meaning, the money you save earns interest. That earning generally depends on the interest rate so it varies most of the time. This was better than hiding your savings in a piggy bank.

Plan for the future

It is never too early to plan for your future, even if you are still in the early stages of your career. And it’s not just a short-term plan. Think of the long-term goals that you want to achieve. Even your retirement must be planned as well. Ultimately, what you’re saving right now will be the one funding your future retirement or at least some portion of your saving will be the springboard.

In planning for retirement, starting early is essential. Create a timeline between now and the desired age of retirement. For a better way of mapping out this plan. It is better to ask for retirement planning experts near you. Such organizations will help you step-by-step. This is going to be beneficial in the long term as you will be able to note how much you’ll be needing at the time of retirement.

At the end of the day, planning your finances is a mundane task but very necessary. A lot must be considered like the circumstances and outside forces. Still, it is integral if you do not want your future to go awry and if you are aiming for financial stability. Remember that there is never a time too early to plan.


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