The Importance of Maintaining Proper Dental Hygiene

couple brushing their teeth

It’s easy to take for granted how important it is to brush and floss your teeth. You do this because you know that it will keep your mouth cleaner, but also because the food you eat will taste better. But did you know there are many other benefits to proper dental hygiene? For one, your teeth will be much healthier and less susceptible to decay. Your gums will also be healthier, leading to a brighter smile and an overall feeling of well-being. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables will be better absorbed when you maintain proper dental hygiene, which leads to greater health benefits overall.

The benefits of proper dental care are numerous, but above all else, you will be healthier. When you maintain proper oral hygiene, any other health problems can be better addressed because it promotes overall well-being. But did you know there are many other benefits to proper dental hygiene? For one, your teeth will be much healthier and less susceptible to decay.

Your gums will also be healthier, leading to a brighter smile and an overall feeling of well-being. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables will be better absorbed when you maintain proper dental hygiene, which leads to greater health benefits.

Below are six benefits of maintaining good dental care.

Your teeth won’t get cavities.

According to the American Dental Association, 14 out of 15 people will develop a cavity during their lifetime. Cavities are caused by pesky bacteria that live in your mouth and feed off food remnants. When it’s left untreated, this bacteria will continue to attack your teeth, causing them to rot. This is why you need a toothbrush and floss to break down the bacteria.

You’ll have a brighter smile.

Proper oral hygiene can lead to a brighter, whiter smile that everyone will be envious of. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found out that 50% of Americans would rather date someone with good oral health than someone who is rich. With the exception of having a big smile, whiter teeth can also be a sign that you have a healthy diet.

Your gums will stay healthier.

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. When plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth, they spread to your gums, causing inflammation. This inflammation results in swollen or bleeding gums, which cause bone loss and tooth damage. When you brush your teeth, you’re removing the food remnants that cause plaque to build up. If you have a history of gum disease in your family, then maintaining proper dental hygiene is even more important.

woman eating

Eating will be easier.

If you have problems with chewing because of missing or broken teeth, then poor dental hygiene is only going to make the problem worse. Not only will you be missing out on essential nutrients, but you’ll also be more susceptible to gum disease and decay. Make sure you brush and floss your teeth regularly, and visit your dentist for checkups at least twice a year.

Better absorption of nutrients from food

According to a study published by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 80% of Americans delay dental care, and so experience some tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when too much plaque is left on your teeth, and it’s not cleaned off for a long time. The plaque contains bacteria that will start to break down the sugars in the food you eat. This results in acid-forming, which leads to cavities and tooth decay. Many people make the mistake of brushing their teeth after a meal, but you should actually do it beforehand. Brushing your teeth before a meal will ensure that the sugars from the foods you eat won’t be left in contact with your teeth for too long.

Your breath will smell better.

There are many reasons why your breath may smell bad. Sometimes, it’s due to the food you eat, like onions or garlic. But other times, it can be because of gum disease or even poor dental hygiene, which leads to rotten teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth will remove all that plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath.

If you have a bad smell in your mouth, it’s usually due to the build-up of bacteria and food residues. Brushing and flossing will remove these odors fast so that they won’t be as intense. There are many products that can help with bad breath, such as mouthwashes and sugar-free gum. Keeping good dental hygiene will make it possible for you to get rid of that stench fast.

It helps with motivation/staying on track with other goals in life due to the confidence boost you’ll get from a bright smile. You’ll have better self-control in all other aspects of your life due to the motivation from brushing and flossing regularly. Being able to participate in social gatherings without feeling insecure about dental hygiene.


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