Essential Pointers for Keeping Wildlife Out of Your Yard

squirrel on the grass

If you live in an area with a rich ecosystem, it can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because it means you and your family breathe healthy air and are closer to nature. However, it can also be a curse because you are more exposed to wildlife like deer, squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and more dangerous ones like bears, wolves, and even cougars in some areas in North America.

Wildlife is a gift to our environment, but not necessarily to our homes. Unwanted animals can mess with your landscaping, ruin your plants, and even harm your kids and pets. Here are some pointers for effectively keeping wild animals out of your yard.

Invest in a high-quality fence

There are plenty of reputable fence contractors who can help you choose a customized and durable fence that can keep wildlife away, especially those known for being strong enough to break into your property. One of the benefits of investing in a durable fence is that your pets, especially dogs, won’t be able to break out of your property as well. Coyotes, in particular, are known for their ability to dig underneath gates and fences, and even slash through strong chicken wire. With that in mind, if you live in an area where these majestic but dangerous creatures are present, you don’t want to skimp on your fences to protect your home and those living in it.

An incredibly sturdy and tall fence that is anchored to the ground is your best bet for keeping unwanted animals away. Consult with your contractor to find out what type of fence design and material you need to keep wildlife out of your property.

metal fence

Keep your home properly maintained

Here is a checklist for ensuring that no unwanted animals enter the premises of your home:

  • Keep your home clean from the inside out. Wild animals tend to hide in unkempt areas, such as untrimmed shrubs, woodpiles, and brushes. When you keep your open spaces perfectly trimmed, you discourage small animals from finding refuge in your property.
  • Be quick to pick up fallen fruits and vegetation. If you have wildlife problems in your area, make sure to do some fruit and vegetable picking regularly so that the animals don’t have free reins over your produce.
  • Determine if there are holes in your fence or even around your house and make sure that all of it is sealed shut. Inspect any holes that might lead up to your home’s attic as well, since these animals can nest in your attic, especially during colder months.
  • Trim the trees and other vegetation on your property. When your trees and greenery are not properly maintained, they can make climbing easy for wildlife in the area.
  • Don’t forget to install sturdy metal screens on vents and caps on your chimney.
  • Avoid leaving food waste in garbage cans outside your home, but if you must, make sure that your garbage containers are appropriately sealed and impossible for wildlife of all sizes to open.

Repel them

Keeping wildlife away is not just about being on the defensive; it’s also about being on the offensive, as long as it doesn’t harm or kill them. Here are some ways to repel wild animals and not just to protect your home from them:

  • Invest in some repellents. Depending on what wild animals you’re having trouble with, you can be sure to find a repellent for them available in supermarkets. Some examples include granules and even liquid spray.
  • Pour, spray, or spread some incredibly strong hot sauce on areas they tend to chew.
  • Suppose you’re hesitant about using chemicals to repel unwanted animals since it can be harmful not just to them but also to the occupants of your home. In that case, you can opt for more natural repellents like substances that are organic but distasteful. One example is putrid egg whites.
  • If you have some extra budget to spare, you can invest in some motion-activated lights or sprinklers to scare wildlife away. There are also pinwheels and garden spinners that can potentially scare them from attempting to enter your property.
  • A large guard dog can also be another way to repel smaller animals and even bigger ones like wolves and coyotes.

Living with wildlife is one of the hazards of opting to live in the suburbs or a largely rural area. Make sure your family, pets, and property are protected by properly fencing and maintaining your home and by repelling or scaring unwanted animals.


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