How to Sell Your Home During the Pandemic Quickly

keys to the house

Selling your home can be a great way to boost your financial standing amidst the ongoing crisis brought about by the pandemic. It can mean being liquid enough to move somewhere safer. And it’s not such a bad time. Despite all the bad things happening to the American economy, the supply of quality real estate is rather low.

But don’t be fooled. Selling your home can be a tedious task. Selling a home when stay-in-place orders are rampant can even be more tedious. Lucky for you, observing simple, clear cut strategies can help you move the needle faster. And that means doing it all within the bounds of the law to keep everyone, the buyer and the seller, safe.

Touch It Up

Before considering selling your home, make sure that it is ready for buyers to purchase. Not only does it add an aesthetic feel to your house, but touching up also adds value. Know that the housing market is in a tight knot these days. And the competition is fierce. Adding small designs like curtains and new paint to up the curb appeal can help tempt buyers to purchase your home.

Don’t forget the basics. Having a strata search along with a pest report done to your home could bump your property’s value even more. This is for buyers to review your property easily while attracting interest quickly.

While you’re at it, tend to your gardens. A neatly-mowed lawn means the property is well-kept and loved, making it even more adorable in the eyes of the buyer. Then again, give that driveway a fresher look. A timely make-over could mean tens of thousands more in profits.

house exterior

Keep Those Communication Lines Open

In these times of crisis, it is hard to see your clients face to face. So, the best way to compensate is to keep communications lines open. And that should mean not just going by the usual call-and-text route but also keeping online communication tools available (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet).

In this regard, we can’t underestimate the power of calls. Before the pandemic, most agents or sellers prefer emails or texts rather than calling. This is because the traditional transaction involves interacting with the clients on a personal level. But times have changed since then.

The effect is certainly showing because the rate of voice calls is 33 percent higher ever since the pandemic started, New York Times reports. And now that calls are cheaper, getting in constant touch with your clients shouldn’t be a problem.

Help Buyers in Securing a Loan

During the outbreak, one of the biggest challenges for sellers are delayed mortgage deals. Due to the ongoing pandemic, there has been a delay in closing loan deals because of the newly imposed rules. The average 48 days of closing a loan can be prolonged up to 60 days.

Given these conditions, you’ll speed up the buying cycle by helping your buyers get the best home loan rates. Hiring experienced mortgage professionals can help them in choosing the best mortgage program within their budget. Plus, the processing that comes with the mortgage is all done seamlessly by experts. For sellers, this can make a faster transaction, a huge boost. Truly, it’s a win-win situation for both the seller and the buyer.

Promote on a Local Platform

The real estate experts are known for cultivating their brand. During pre-pandemic times, you can grow your connections through old-school networking. Thereby, you can easily connect meeting people face to face. But, most of the traditional networking available before is off-limits today.

Do not fret, however. You can always promote your house locally. It may not sound as exciting, but this option still has many benefits. Connect with local businesses—partner with home decor stores and clothing boutiques. You’ll be surprised how fast word can spread like wildfire.

Show off Your Home Virtually

Most people interested in buying a house are all stuck inside their homes. Still, the market has certainly adjusted to the buyers’ needs during the pandemic. To avoid having a personal interaction with the clients, sellers show off their homes through virtual technology.

These days, 3D house tours are very popular. Certainly, a 3D-tour can be a lifesaver. It can capture all the angles around your home and make the data available in record time. Best of all, you can tell your own story without potential buyers ever going inside your home.

A traditional open house requires meeting up personally. If that’s not possible, you can still have a meeting of the minds, only virtually. It is possible by conducting a live walk-through of your property. The people who are tuned in to the live stream can still experience a tour without stepping out of their homes.

You can explore Facebook Live and the rest of social media. What’s important is you put the word out to a wider audience.

At the end of the day, it’s all about numbers. The more people know you’re selling, the higher your chances of closing the deal in no time.


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