How to Keep Your Employees Happy


Marketing strategies, quality control, operation policies, accountancy services, organizational structure — these are some of the most common things business owners focus on to grow their businesses. Many don’t know it, but the secret to succeeding in your field is right there in plain sight. It’s keeping your employees happy.

Employees are the lifeblood of a company. Without them, all your operations will run riot. A business won’t be able to achieve its organizational goals without the resource of manpower. No matter how well you plan out your operations, you won’t achieve them efficiently and effectively without the help of your employees.

As a business owner, your employees should be your top priority. You have to take the extra effort to ensure your workers’ well-being and happiness. Otherwise, they’ll be less productive at work — or worse, they’ll end up leaving the company. Here are ways on how to keep your employees happy and satisfied with their jobs.

Recognize their work

You might not know it, but a simple “thank you” or “good job” will go a long way in boosting your employees’ happiness and satisfaction. The more they feel like their work is valued, the more likely they are to continue doing their best.

Survey shows that 58% of employees say that getting recognized for their hard work motivates them to become more engaged in their jobs. The same survey revealed that 69% of employees would work harder when their work is appreciated. More importantly, they become more loyal to the company, which decreases the chances of voluntary resignation.

Be approachable

Although giving out rewards and incentives is a good way to maintain employee retention, it’s not what your workers are ultimately after. 89% of bosses wrongly think that employees leave because they want to earn more. You’ve probably heard the saying that goes, “Employees don’t leave their jobs. They leave their bosses.” That’s exactly true.

As a boss, you are the main driver of employee happiness. If you don’t care about your employees, it shows. And that would cause them to be unsatisfied with their jobs. We have to remind you that the workplace is an employee’s second home. They spend long hours every day with you. So you have to make them feel like they belong, and that they are a valued part of the company.

Start by simply asking them how they’re feeling, what they need, and how you can help. It will show initiative and genuine care. Always let your employees know that you’re there if they need to talk. Be open and approachable as a boss.

Trust your employees


Chances are, you hired your employees because they have the necessary skills and competencies for the job. Now your part is to trust them to do those jobs you hired them for. Employees who work in high-trust companies reported 106% more energy at work, 74% less stress, and 50% higher productivity.

Try not to breathe behind their necks, watching their every move. Instead, give them the liberty to handle things on their own and overcome challenges related to their line of work. As you can see now, the trust process works both ways. Not only should you make your employees feel like they can trust you, but you should have that confidence in them as well.

Know when to draw the line

Employees nowadays value one thing when it comes to their careers — work-life balance. They seek for jobs that have a flexible and open working environment. Employees who are not able to achieve a healthy balance of work and personal life are more likely to leave their companies. That’s why you, as an employer, need to know when to draw the line between work and personal life. In the corporate sphere, employees usually have only 2 days of rest in a week. You have to respect that time. No matter how important it is, if it’s related to work, it can wait until Monday.

As an employer, make the necessary efforts in maintaining the optimal well-being of your employees. These little efforts will go a long way in boosting the growth of your company and improving your bottom line.


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