How to Avoid Bad Breath at Work

Head and Shoulders Close Up of Attractive Young Man with Dark Hair Rinsing with Mouth Wash in Bathroom as part of Morning Grooming Routine

Bad breath at work can be a major turnoff and can be embarrassing for those who suffer from it. Fortunately, since chronic bad breath can be a sign of gum disease or another medical condition, it is generally easy to find the root of the problem and avoid bad breath.

In addition, there are many things one can do to avoid bad breath at work. If the source is an easily fixable issue such as using breath mints, brushing more often, or drinking less coffee, it will be a lot easier and simpler than if bad breath is due to an underlying condition. You can also visit a dental clinic and get your bad breath checked before it gets worse.

Beauty teenage girl flossing her teeth at home. Pretty young woman using an interdental brush smiling at the mirror enjoying beautiful white teeth. Healthcare of mouth and dental floss. Dental hygiene

No matter the cause of the odor, here are ten ways how to avoid bad breath at work:

1. Brush and Floss Your Teeth Regularly

Your teeth are the primary source of bad breath, so it makes sense to start there. Regular brushing and flossing may help reduce plaque build-up that causes tooth decay and gum disease, which can both contribute to chronic halitosis. Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is best for oral health care.

2. Consider Using Mouthwash

Although not as effective as brushing and flossing, using mouthwash can help to clean the oral cavity, targeting areas that are often missed when brushing alone.

There are also alcohol-free mouthwashes available for those who do not want to use products containing alcohol.

3. Drink Fluoridated Water

Fluoride occurs naturally in water, but it is sometimes added by municipalities to encourage strong teeth growth in children, so they develop healthy habits at an early age.

Fluoridated water also strengthens tooth enamel and might reduce the risk of developing cavities later on in life, so be sure to always have a glass of water handy throughout the day.

4. Darken Your Tea with Milk

If you’re a tea drinker, adding milk will help remove any discoloration that might contribute to bad breath. This works well since black tea can also contribute to chronic bad breath.

Also, milk contains fat, which can help to remove stains caused by coffee, tea, and cigarettes from the teeth.

5. Stay Away From Alcohol

Alcohol both dehydrates you and contributes to bad breath, so it is best to stay away from any alcoholic beverages if you want to avoid bad breath.

However, some say that red wine can help fight off the bacteria in your mouth that might lead to bad breath.

6. Drink More Water

Studies have shown that chronic bad breath is generally caused by dehydration, so staying hydrated can be an easy way of avoiding lousy breath at work.

Just remember not to drink caffeinated drinks throughout the day as this might contribute further to dry mouth, which can lead to chronic halitosis.

7. Keep Your Mouth Closed When You Laugh or Chew Food ​

By keeping your mouth closed when you laugh or chew the food, you will avoid having excess air in your mouth that can contribute to bad breath.

8. Avoid Foods That Contribute to Bad Breath

Some foods that might worsen the condition of chronic bad breath include garlic, onions, dairy products, and any type of sugar-containing drink.

However, it is best to talk with your doctor if you suspect a specific food item is causing your bad breath, as some foods can actually help kill bacteria responsible for causing chronic halitosis.

9. Don’t Smoke

Smoking has many adverse effects on health, so avoiding smoking would be an easy way to reduce the risk of developing chronic halitosis. Cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals, and of these are linked with cancer.

Furthermore, cigarettes stain your teeth and can contribute to gum disease, which also leads to bad breath. The list of negative effects smoking might have on you is just too long, so it is best to quit smoking today.

10. Keep Your Internal Health in Check

Internal health has a lot of effects on chronic bad breath, so maintaining good internal health will be an effective way of avoiding bad breath at work.

Visit your primary care physician for regular checkups and tests such as blood pressure screenings and mammograms to keep yourself healthy throughout the year.

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem to have, but it’s one that can easily be avoided with a few simple precautions. By following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you’ll be able to keep your bad breath under control and feel confident when meeting new people or speaking in public.


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