How to Make Your Home More Kid-Friendly Before Selling

Happy family of four inside the house laughing

If you’re selling your home and have young children, you may wonder how to make your property more appealing to families. After all, families with kids are always looking for homes that will suit their needs. With a few simple changes, you can make your home more family-friendly and increase its appeal to potential buyers. Here are some tips to get you started:

Create a Dedicated Play Space

One of the best ways to make your home family-friendly is to create a dedicated play space for kids. This could be an extra room that you turn into a playroom or simply a corner of the living room that you child-proof with soft furnishings and toy storage. Either way, having a designated area for kids to play will go a long way in making your home more appealing to families with young children.

If it’s smaller than buyers expect, it does not mean your home is unsellable. It’s simply a matter of making a few adjustments to make it more family-friendly. With some thoughtful changes, you can turn your property into a place that families will love. You can try to make the room more spacious by selling some of your furniture or using multifunctional furniture. You can also try using light colors to make the room more spacious and inviting.

Make Your Yard Kid-Friendly

If you have a yard, take some time to make it more kid-friendly before putting your home on the market. Add some mulch to the garden beds to limit weeds, install a fence if you don’t already have one, and consider adding playground equipment like a swing set or slide.

Aside from keeping it attractive to kids, it’s important to keep it safe. You can do this by ensuring no sharp edges on playground equipment, filling in any holes, and removing potential hazards like poisonous plants. Also, make the buyers aware of plants that can cause allergic reactions. These simple changes will make your yard much more inviting for families with young children.

De-clutter and Deep Clean Throughout the House

Families with small children are always on the lookout for clean and clutter-free homes. Before listing your property, take some time to de-clutter and deep clean every room in the house. This includes de-cluttering toys, cleaning up spills and stains, and ensuring there is no dirt or grime buildup anywhere. Elbow grease will pay off when families with young kids come to view your property.

A clean house will also help your home look more spacious, another selling point for families. If you’re unsure where to start, hire a professional cleaning company to give your home a deep clean. This will ensure that every nook and cranny is clean and that your house looks its best when potential buyers view it.

Make Sure the Décor is Kid-Friendly

If you have young kids, chances are good that your home isn’t exactly decorated to your taste anymore. But that’s okay! When selling a property, you want to ensure that the décor appeals to many people, including families with young children. So, take down any fragile items that could easily be broken and pack them up.

Consider toning it down a bit if you have any bright colors or patterned wallpaper. Neutral colors are always a good bet when selling your home. You can also make it fun by adding kid-friendly elements like wall decals or playful artwork. Ensure the overall look is still pleasing to adults—you don’t want to turn potential buyers off with a too-childish décor.

A happy couple painting a wall green

Highlight the Family-Friendly Features of Your Home

If your home has features that appeal to families with young children—a fenced-in backyard, a playroom, and close proximity to parks and schools—be sure to highlight those features in your listing!

Families with young children are always looking for homes that will be comfortable for their growing family, so ensuring those features are front, and center will help you appeal to those buyers. Kids usually like to have their own space, so a home with a playroom or an extra bedroom that can be turned into a playroom is sure to be appealing.

Remember that kids grow, so a home that might be too small for a family with two or three kids might be perfect for a family with one child. And, of course, families with young children are always looking for safe neighborhoods where their kids can play outside without worry. If your home is in a great neighborhood, mention that in your listing.

Are You Ready to Sell?

Selling your home is always a big decision because you also want to make sure that it appeals to a wide range of buyers so that you can get top dollar for your property. Following these tips, you can strike the perfect balance between “family-friendly” and “marketable”—and sell your home quickly and for the best price possible!


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