Employee Retention Mid-pandemic: Perks and Compensations to Offer

employees standing

Most people think that the pandemic only caused many people to lose their jobs. Many lost their livelihood after the crisis rendered their companies with no choice but to stop their operations. But what many fail to realize is that some companies are also struggling to retain their employees during the crisis.

Some of us now fear about our health and safety when going to work and fulfilling our responsibilities. With the virus being so tiny but contagious at the same time, it makes one rethink their priorities. Despite the need for a continuous source of income, some can’t afford to continue working due to their fear of contracting the virus.

Some workers would rather find a remote job. This enables them to pay the bills while reducing their need to go out and possibly expose themselves to the virus. This had some businesses short of employees to keep the business running.

Offering certain perks and compensations can help with your client retention. We cannot deny that sometimes, the benefits we have to offer are why job applicants choose to work for the brand. If you are looking for other ideas in attracting and retaining your top talents, here are some benefits that you can consider.

Better Insurance Plans

Certain insurance coverage is always better than the others. You may already be providing health, dental, and life insurance to your full-time employees. But what else can you offer them during the pandemic?

One thing you can add to your insurance list is disability insurance. This ensures your employees will receive the necessary compensation if they cannot attend work or become disabled. You have the option to provide them with long-term or short=term disability insurance, depending on your budget and the nature of your business.

Another insurance you can consider offering is SR22 auto insurance. This is one way to give confidence to some of your employees who drive company vehicles as part of their job responsibilities. This will give your employees more peace of mind while protecting your brand with the right policies at the same time.

employee receiving compensation

Pet-friendly Office

The pandemic is undeniably a stressful time for most people. We are constantly worrying about our own health, safety, and productivity. One thing that helps ease most people’s stress during the crisis is their pets.

According to news, many shelters were left with no pets after more people adopted animals during the crisis. This proves that more people are relying on their pets during the pandemic. Creating a pet-friendly office can be a great way to motivate employees to go to work.

Allowing pets inside the office does require solid planning. You will need to consider other employees who may not be pet parents or has pet allergies. There’s also the fact that you need to ensure the office is safe for pets and that your landlord will approve of the new work set up.

Allowing your employees to bring their pets to work can help them become more productive. You can also increase your chance of attracting the best talents whose main concern is leaving their pets behind as they work. This can also add comic relief in the office, which everyone needs during these stressful times.

Childcare Assistance

There are certain employees whose job description renders them unable to work remotely. They could be responsible for monitoring the production in your factory. They may also be the ones supervising certain workers who are unable to work from home.

Many working parents are left problematic as to where to leave their kids while working during the pandemic. Before, hiring a nanny or asking a family, friend, or neighbor to babysit their kids is always an option. But during the pandemic, they fear their kids’ health more than anything.

Providing employees with childcare assistance can give them peace of mind as they work. They can focus on their jobs, knowing their kids are happy, healthy, and safe. You have the option to provide them with enough budget so that they can afford child care in their preferred child care facilities.

Child care assistance can help you retain your most talented employees who are also parents to young kids. This usually leads to lower turnover rates and higher employee morale. You can reduce their spending on child care and help them continuously provide for the future of their family.

Employee health and safety matters during the crisis. But you can’t simply expect them to stay if you don’t do your part. Providing the right benefits can help you retain your top talents. If you are unsure what you can offer your employees, you can always use this list as your guide.


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