Elevating the Curb Appeal of Your Restaurant Business

friends eating at a restaurant

Every year, there are thousands of new restaurants opening. In the United States alone, there are already over 660,000 restaurants up and running. That’s because the food business is one of the most popular and most lucrative industries globally. There will always be people looking to dine out, so the market for it is endless.

However, this also means that there is a lot of competition in the food business. New business owners are competing with food businesses of all sizes, from home-owned to Michelin star restaurants. They need to stand out amongst the crowd, and one way they can achieve that is through their design.

For first-time customers, the main reason that will attract them is the appearance. Once they have been hooked by the appearance, only then will they get to know the good food offered. To make sure they catch everyone’s attention, here are some tips that restaurateurs can do for their designs.

Add a greener look

Both the inside and outside of the restaurant have to look lively, and restaurateurs can add plants. Potted plants work well when inside since you don’t want to attract insects inside. Succulents are cactus are nice additions that deviate from the generic plants. Some succulents look beautiful with the right arrangements and pots.

It can be a bit more creative for the exterior because restaurants can incorporate outdoor dining into the layout. Nice benches and chairs can be used. Restaurant-owners can also hire a fencing contractor to create nice divisions to improve the curb appeal. A small garden can give the place a refreshing atmosphere as well.

Display the menu outside

With a physical location, restaurants want to take advantage of foot traffic to entice new customers. It can target customers who are indecisive or spontaneous. They will see right away what the restaurant has to offer and the prices. This also serves as a form of marketing and promotion, especially when accompanied with good pictures.

Aside from that, it has a more functional use as it decreases turnover time, which means customers take less time deciding on what to order. This is great for restaurants with smaller locations because customers can decide outside without taking up space inside for customers who have already decided.

Get good signage

If the restaurant is located in a busy street with other food businesses, it is important to establish its presence with visible signage. Restaurant signs should be visible from across the street for maximum efficiency.

The signage should also have proper lighting at night. When it comes to the type of lighting, it can vary depending on the kind of mood and vibe that the restaurant is intending. Glowing neon letters are common for bars and clubs, while backlight signs are common for all-around restaurants. Spotlight signage is also common for more high-end restaurants and buffets.

Improve the lighting

Light is a powerful tool in restaurant design because it sets the mood and can make the space look larger. Without proper lighting, all that effort put into the interior design and plating is useless because people won’t even see it.

The lighting can also signal what kind of restaurant it is. For instance, lots of bright lights are often used for fast food and kid’s restaurants. Accented lighting can make the ambiance feel more intimate and high-end. The intensity and color of the lighting are also something that restaurant-owners need to consider. Too much contrast can hurt the eyes and give the customers headaches.

Showcase the interior

A nice interior can help attract more customers. In fact, studies say that the ambiance and design of the restaurant contribute to customer satisfaction. The layout directly influences the customer’s perception of a restaurant, so it can be a major selling point for a business.

With people passing by, they will not immediately appreciate the interior design, but this can be resolved through windows. Large glass windows that give passersby a preview of the inside can help increase new customers. More than that, they will also be able to see the food from customers eating inside. This will entice them to try or even visit the restaurant at another time.

With windows, restaurant owners have to make sure that they always keep it clean. This can also affect its overall appeal. Even restaurants with indoor grillers can keep their windows clean because they very well ruin a person’s appetite.

restaurant interior

More than the food, the ambiance and design are also important to consider. Restaurants can’t attract new customers if their location looks messy or bland. A good design can help get the customer’s foot in the door.



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