5 Telltale Signs of a Dying Phone Battery

people with their phones

Many things can go wrong with your phone. Worst-case scenario, it breaks down when it’s needed the most. Of all times it could break down, it “chose” to do so at a critical time.

Many are guilty of ignoring signs that can be seen a mile away. Especially when a phone is old, its parts may break down and stop working like they used to. That’s to be expected, but did you know that ignoring these telltale signs can be dangerous? If it’s the battery that’s showing signs, that’s all the more reason to be vigilant.

A faulty phone battery can be more than an inconvenience. It can be toxic and unsafe to be around it. The repair industry and people who engage in multi-unit technology franchise opportunities know this picture all too well.

Before things get any worse than they should be, here are the revealing signs a phone battery is dying:

Charging more often is a sign of aging

As a phone gets older, it starts to slow down in performance. Eventually, its battery starts to drain faster as it gets worn out. Every phone battery has approximately 300 to 500 charge cycles, which translates to almost two years if it is charged every day since it was first bought. After that, the battery capacity starts to decline. This can be an inconvenience having to charge it more than once a day, but it could also be the star of other problems in the future if ignored for a long time.

It’s never fully charged

It never will be fully charged because it’s lost its capacity to be. Due to age or damage, the battery can no longer hold enough electrical energy to fill it up. Before concluding that this is the case for your phone, check the charger. It might be the reason why the phone is not charging to its full capacity. On the other hand, if you notice a significant drop in battery percentage even if it’s just been charge, then there’s surely something wrong with the battery. In this case, it’s become charger-dependent. It’s impossible to leave the house without a charger or a power bank in case it drains in the middle of the day.

smartphone hardware

Easily getting overheated

It’s normal for phones to heat up when using a demanding app (such as a mobile game) or multiple applications are running in the background. On the other hand, if the phone overheats under regular use is something to watch out for. This doesn’t include watching Netflix or reading webtoons for hours, just regular simple functions such as texting could already cause it to overheat.

Moreover, if the phone is charging, the battery heats up too. This sensitivity could mean that the battery has been overused yet overcompensating. Although there are quick fixes that help cool down it down, it’s not a long-term solution to a reoccurring problem.

All Swelled up

This is a problem that should be taken seriously. It’s one thing for a phone battery to affect performance, it’s another if the hardware starts to show the problem. A swollen battery is a red flag. If your phone shows early signs of swelling, the best thing to do is to stop using it altogether. Stop charging the phone to keep the battery cool as much as possible.

Overcharging, damage, manufacturer defects are common causes of this. Consult with a technician about the next steps. Most likely, the advice would be to give up the phone or have the battery replaced.

Smelling funny

Notice a funny smell coming from the back of the phone, especially when you open it up? It could mean that the battery acid is leaking. The first thing to do is to stop charging it and stop using it. Dispose of the battery at an e-waste center or the nearest hazardous materials disposal facility. Batteries contain chemicals that make them highly flammable and toxic when inhaled.

Be mindful when handling the battery,  especially when it is leaking. Avoid direct contact with your skin as much as possible to prevent complications from battery acid. Place and seal it in a plastic bag for extra measure.

People have a habit of skimping on things especially when it’s seemingly still functioning. They do so without realizing the cons that outweigh the pros. If a phone is no longer charging well or responding efficiently to normal functions, it’s always best to not push it. It’s important to be reminded that phone batteries have components that may harm a person’s health. A healthy battery can ultimately mean a healthy experience.


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