Future Outlook

using the laptop

5 Ways for Preparing a Small Business for the Summer Season

Summer is upon the world, and businesses should start getting ready for it. It can be a hectic time of the year for everyone, including businesses. Whereas people are already packing their suitcases and organizing their travel purses for vacations, small businesses should be preparing for the influx of new customers and for the rest

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product launch

A Guide to Foolproofing Your New Product or Service Launch

Developing a new product or service can be an exciting venture for any business owner. But it also takes a lot of work. Regardless of how innovative and interesting your new product or service is, it can’t generate desired results if you have a poorly established launch. A product or service launch is basically a

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online selling concept

What You Need to Know to Be an Online Seller in 2021

From 2020, eCommerce retail surged around the world as people held back from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores. The habit took hold and experts predict that this will become the norm even when physical shops open again. The convenience offered by online shopping is hard to resist for many. Statista estimates that more than 2.14 billion

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growing money

Financial Growth: How to Grow Your Money and Build Wealth Today

In this contemporary world, there is a dire need for each of us to survive financially. This COVID-19 pandemic has affected our economy so as businesses and individuals, we need to make smart moves regarding our finances. Businesses have been striving to stay afloat during the past year and it is important to acknowledge the

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man working remotely

Engaging Employees Who are Working From Home during COVID-19

The pandemic has made it all the more challenging for companies to engage their employees and has significantly redefined what it means to keep employees involved. Now that in-person work set-ups are still far away in the future or have become permanent solutions for many companies, engagement strategies must also evolve to fit the current

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Trees You Can Consider Planting for Year-round Interest

Trees provide visual appeal, cool shade, purified air, and windbreaks. However, despite all of these, some people ask gardeners for something more, commonly the “four seasons of interest.” These are trees that provide owners a year-round interest, adding something unique to one’s landscape every season, including combinations of flowers, fruits, leaves, and barks. If you’re

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Restroom Disasters in the Office: Why They Happen and How to Stop Them

Restroom etiquette is probably the least of companies’ concerns when they’re developing a good workplace culture. They tend to focus more on interdepartmental collaboration, communication, teamwork, and building trust. What they don’t realize is that employees’ restroom etiquette can affect those areas too, and vice-versa. It seems absurd to think about; what does an employee’s

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woman writing

Choosing a Business to Build

With many difficulties posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, 1.5 million American entrepreneurs still filed applications for new businesses from July to September 2020, almost twice as many as those who filed in the same quarter of the previous year. Bloomberg reports that applications for new businesses from June to December 2020 were 25 percent more

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man typing

The Many Benefits of Blockchain in the Finance Industry

Blockchain is a technology used in the recording of transactions across different computers within a network. Basically, it is an electronic ledger that allows the storage of information in blocks. Blockchain is a kind of database, but it differs from other types of databases because it is decentralized. Other types of databases also do not

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