Three Ways Business Meetings Are Changing


Communication is crucial for any business. It’s responsible for relaying important information, creating relationships with clients and colleagues, and maintaining a successful workflow.

By improving your company’s communication, you can make your company more productive and gain more revenue over time.

One way communication is done in a company is through business meetings. These meetings are about exchanging ideas and information, so it’s essential to come prepared with any materials or updates. However, the way businesses have done meetings has changed throughout the years. Here are some ways meetings have changed and how you can implement them in your company.

Virtual Meetings

One of the most noticeable changes in business meetings is that virtual meetings have become the norm during the pandemic. The pandemic is responsible for millions of infections worldwide. In addition, it has caused widespread death and an economic downturn, causing many people to stay at home for safety.

However, this doesn’t mean work has stopped. This is where virtual meetings come in. Instead of gathering in person, participants join through a video call platform like Zoom or Skype. Virtual meetings have the added benefit of inviting anyone from anywhere in the world without them having to travel. It saves time and money for both parties. There are other benefits to doing virtual meetings. Here are some of the most common benefits:


Big business meetings, such as town hall meetings or conferences, can be expensive. You must pay for a venue, catering, and possibly overnight accommodations for out-of-town attendees. Virtual meetings eliminate these expenses, leading to more savings for the company.


Virtual meetings allow for greater flexibility in scheduling and attending. People can join from anywhere without internet access and a computer or phone. It makes it easier for people with busy schedules or those unable to travel due to health reasons or other commitments.

Environmentally friendly

Going virtual also means fewer physical materials such as paper and fewer carbon emissions from attendees’ transportation. This benefits both the environment and the company’s image as environmentally conscious.

Lunch Meetings

A company hiring a catering service

Lunch is one of the most important meals of the day, and having them during meetings can increase productivity. In a traditional setting, attendees would have to wait until the meeting is over for lunch or eat at their desks while multitasking.

However, incorporating lunch into the meeting allows for a break in the day and gives attendees time to relax and recharge before diving back into work. It also creates a more casual atmosphere where people can develop new ideas or solve problems more efficiently. Here are three steps in doing lunch meetings for your company.

Choose the Right Restaurant

Any restaurant won’t do it for a lunch meeting. You want to choose an excellent lunch restaurant that offers tasty and healthy options for all attendees. This can also be an opportunity to support a local small business in your community.

Include Time for the Meal

Schedule the meeting so there is enough time for everyone to eat and have a casual conversation before continuing with the plan. It allows for a more relaxed atmosphere where attendees can truly enjoy their meal without feeling rushed.

Plan Ahead

Plan out any necessary logistics, such as ordering ahead of time or assigning people to pay for their meals. It will make the lunch meeting run smoothly without any hiccups.

Walking Meetings

Walking meetings are a recent trend in business, but they have numerous benefits. These meetings involve walking and talking instead of sitting at a conference table. Walking meetings can increase productivity and creativity due to environmental and physical activity changes. It can also help solve the growing obesity rate in the country.

Here are some tips for implementing walking meetings in your company:

Choose an appropriate location

Choose a location that is safe for walking with minimal interruptions. For example, a park or quiet neighborhood works well as opposed to busy streets or construction sites.

Dress appropriately

Make sure to dress comfortably for walking and the weather (bring an umbrella if it’s raining). Bring water and any necessary materials, such as notepads or laptops.

Set boundaries

Inform attendees about the purpose and boundaries of the walking meeting. This can include talking about keeping phones on silent and staying focused on the agenda at hand.

Make it a regular occurrence

Incorporate walking meetings into your regular meeting schedule to reap the benefits regularly.

Business meetings can improve your company’s success by incorporating these new methods. Not only do these methods save money and increase productivity, but they also create a better work environment for all attendees. So start implementing these ideas in your next meeting and see their positive effects on your team and business.


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