Marketing and Advertising for Your Cleaning Service

man wiping the table

The era of COVID-19 is also the era of proper cleanliness and sanitation, especially in our homes and offices. This is why starting a professional cleaning service can be a lucrative idea, especially for those who have a penchant for cleaning and making sure every area of their homes is spotless. But how can we promote our cleaning service in an incredibly saturated digital sphere and market? Here are some tips and pointers to help your professional cleaning service make waves.

Create a strong and strategic brand identity.

More than the aesthetics of your brand, make sure that you have strong and solid communication and image strategy, as well as genuinely excellent services to back up your claims. How you communicate with clients to your company culture and cleaning processes ensures that everything is handled with the utmost care and precision.

The company name, colors, logo, and tagline: Don’t just go for a generic look for your brand—consider going for styles that have not been done before in the cleaning industry.

Join an app.

There are plenty of apps that you can join to find clients:

  • ChoreRelief
  • Extra Cleaning App
  • Tidy
  • Handy
  • Housecall Pro
  • MaidsApp

Joining an existing Uber-like app for professional cleaners is beneficial because many consumers know that even if they search keywords like “cleaners near me,” they might still be directed to services that are scores of miles away. Looking for cleaning services in apps can help them be more specific in their search, and they might be able to have better chances of finding you.

When the time comes that your business is financially capable, consider creating your own app. You never know how it can grow: You might eventually be able to expand to other services, like mani-pedis, massages, hair styling, and other services.

Capitalize on your area’s unique culture and trends.

What are some up-to-the-minute trends in your neighborhood? Do you have a specific culture or trend that your town is known for? For example, if your city is known for having many offices and young urban types, then gear your marketing strategy towards these consumers and the trends that drive them.

Highlight what makes your service different.

If your company boasts of state-of-the-art equipment, tools, and techniques for window cleaning, for example, then be sure to highlight these services. Whatever edge you have over your competitors, be sure to market them front and center.

Don’t be afraid to connect emotionally.

While it’s certainly wrong to emotionally manipulate people, especially during a time as tragic as the COVID-19 crisis, there’s nothing wrong with making a sincere and genuine connection with them, especially if care for people is something that your company values. Use personal stories and testimonials of people who have benefited from your services, like those who need their spaces to be clean to find some internal peace. These human interest stories make your brand appear human in your consumers’ eyes and not just a brand trying to make a profit.

Don’t neglect e-mail marketing.

email marketing conceptThere’s a reason why e-mail marketing is still saturated despite other types of ways to reach clients—it’s cheap, and it’s effective. Consumers will still be opening their e-mail inboxes, and they’re more likely to open e-mails more than printed newsletters. Seek help from companies like Exact Data, Sleeknote, and ZoomInfo to get hold of e-mail lists based on your target demographic.

Make sure the services are top-notch.

More important than the right social media campaigns and marketing strategies is your company’s offline reputation. When it comes to service-oriented businesses, reputation is everything. Building up a reputable business is key because your marketing and advertising strategies mean nothing if they don’t live up to the hype.

How good are the services on a scale of 1 to 10? Are your customers and clients satisfied? Is your staff abiding by public health standards, like wearing the right masks and protective equipment, keeping the proper physical distance from clients, and washing their hands before and after every cleaning session? Ensure that your company’s services are above reproach because one of the most effective marketing campaigns is still the traditional word-of-mouth. Let your work speak for itself, and the clients will come running.

The Bottom Line

The pandemic may have flimited our physical movement, but it cannot limit how we reach others through the digital sphere. Use every digital tool in your arsenal—like social media, SEO, and CRM tools—to tell your audience about your cleaning service. There is no shortage of ways to do so.


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